Air compressor & air dryer
BNP DH-A air compressor oil-free
Product Detail: This product utilize high quality,high flow swing piston compressor as power source,providing stable oil-free air source which avoids contaminated oil damaging machines.The components are all of high quality and the compressor is designated to match oxygen generator:high air flow,low noise level,dry and clean gas source,stable operation and automatic control.When the internal pressure of the air cylinder reach the low limit and upper limit,the air compressor will start or stop... -
BNP mini ozone generator L series corona discharge home air purifier for water and air treatment
Product Detail: The ozone generator has utilized the leading thyristor inverting technology,non-vacuum discharge tube and abrupt change electric to generate ozone.It has the feature of long lifespan,good moiture proof,low power consumption with less than 18kwh/kgO3. Widely used in small, medium, large disinfection cabinet, secondary sterilization of water dispenser and sauna room.Suitable for air puri ficati on of hospital, bacteri al -free worksho p, public locati on. The L-450 has been sel... -
JF series air compressor
Product Detail: JF air compressor is screw-type air compressor. -
DH-A series freezing dryer
Product Detail: The product bings the dew point to -20℃ for the gas. -
ADW series no heat regenerating PSA air dryer
Product Detail: The product utilize the pricinple of pressure swing adsorption and regeneration.There are two towers working in parallel.In one tower,desiccant absorbs moisture under pressure.Meanwhile in the other tower,saturated desiccant is blown with 10~15% dry air from the outlet in atmospheric pressure to remove the moisture. Product Features: Optimal contact vessel design,ensuring sufficient contact time. 30% desiccant residual,ensuring desiccant long lifespan and consistent outlet de...